
cut back是什么意思翻译

cut back

削减, 急忙返回


If we don't sell more goods, we'll have to cut back (on) production.


The escapee ran quickly northward and cut back to the original place.


The manager cut back to his company for the meeting to be held.


Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back.


1. 急忙返回

He cut back into the wood and hid there till darkness came.

他急忙返回树林, 在那儿一直躲到天黑。

2. 削减

They are cutting back further on public spending.


cut back

削减, 急忙返回


If we don't sell more goods, we'll have to cut back (on) production.


The escapee ran quickly northward and cut back to the original place.


The manager cut back to his company for the meeting to be held.


Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back.


1. 急忙返回

He cut back into the wood and hid there till darkness came.

他急忙返回树林, 在那儿一直躲到天黑。

2. 削减

They are cutting back further on public spending.


cut backcut back
1.翻译:剪〔裁, 缩〕短The gardener cut back all the bushes.园工把所有的灌木丛都剪短了。The Americans cut back the word “catalogue” and it became “catalog”.美国人把catalogue这个词加以缩短, 成了catalog。This kind of word has been cut back to save space.这类词被缩短了, 以便节省篇幅。
2.翻译:减少, 削减We must cut back our expenses.我们必须削减开支。We must cut back on expenditure in order to remain solvent.我们应减少开支, 以备急用。
3.翻译:急转方向; 迅速返回We cut back into the pinewoods and hid there till it was dark.我们急忙返回松林躲起来直到天黑。
4.翻译:追述, 倒叙The script cuts back to the old hero's childhood.剧本倒叙了老英雄的童年。

cut back
1.翻译:切短;剪短;修剪(枝叶等):The gardener cut back all the bushes.园丁把所有的灌木丛都修剪了。
2.翻译:削减,减少,缩减:They were forced to cut back production.他们被迫减产。
3.翻译:[美国英语]倒叙;重叙(已讲过的情节),再现:The film cut back to the earlier scene so that we understood her reasons.影片倒叙往事,这样我们就了解到了她的原因。
4.翻译:【足球】(盘球者)急转方向:The footballer pretended to run forward,then cut back and took the ball the other way.这个足球运动员假装向前跑去,接着突然转变方向,把球带往另一边。

见:back: cut back

cut back

名词 cut back:

a reduction in quantity or rate


动词 cut back:

return in time

同义词:flash back

cut down on; make a reduction in

同义词:reduce, cut down, trim, trim down, trim back, cut, bring down

cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of

同义词:snip, clip, crop, trim, lop, dress, prune

place restrictions on

同义词:restrict, curtail, curb